Where Do I Start?
If you're new to cleansing and detoxing, it can be a bit overwhelming. We often get asked by new timers, "where do I start? How many sessions will I need? What treatments do I do?" sometimes this journey can feel like we are constantly going straight up hill followed by many ups and downs. We hope the following helps give some guidance on where to start, and where to go.
Step 1: Determine why you are coming in. Ex. Digestive Issues, Lymphatic Issues, Lack of Energy, Wanting to Cleanse. Maybe, it's just curiosity. If you could make a list of the top three ailments you'd like to address, what would they be?
Step 2: Determine the level of finances and time you have to commit. 1 Colonic will not reverse years of ailments, lifestyle habits and damage that's been done over the years. Typically 1 colonic is beneficial if you've gone through the process of strengthening the muscle first.
Step 3: Evaluate your expectations. Are they realistic or unrealistic. We talked a little bit about that in step 2, but take some time and evaluate what your expected out come is.
Step 4: Combinations of services can be more powerful and effective together versus alone. FIR sauna, following your colonic has a powerful effect on continuing the detox process and opening the pores of the skin to prevent break outs during your cleanse.
Now What?
So now that we've gone over the questions above, let's talk about the next step. If you haven't read Changing the Shape of your Colon. It's a great read and should provide some understanding as to why it takes multiple sessions to strengthen the large intestine. Click HERE to read that.
When scheduling your colonics, or other services, it is much more effective, and cost effective to do them in packages. You also want to schedule your first package series where you are doing 1-2 colonics a week for the first 12. When strengthening the colon, 2 times a week is ideal for the first 12-15 sessions, then you can schedule them as needed. We often say that the first 12 sessions we are telling clients when to come in, after that, they are telling us when they want to come back.
Adding a FIR sauna after your colonic is a great service to maximize your experience. We also have lymphatic treatments, ozone treatments and endermologie® treatments that can be added to your program as well.
There is no ONE way or ONE size fits all. We are here to give as much information we can to help you piece together your healing journey.
one of the best approaches is to do our 28 day cleanse that includes 8 colonics, 2 L.E.T Lymphatic Treatments, 1 HOCATT, 3 FIR Saunas, 1 Liver Cleanse, cellular fasting products, and guidance through the cleanse. To learn more, CLICK HERE