How Do I Best Prepare For My Colonic?
What to Do Before Your Colonic:
1. Don’t eat anything solid for at least two hours before the procedure. You can drink as much as you’d like, even smoothies, just nothing solid. Although you may drink fluids, be aware that you are holding water during your session and then releasing that water, so drinking too much fluid right before your session may make things more uncomfortable. Those who’d like to lose weight should stay on a liquid diet for 24 hours before their session. A 2 to 3 day juice fast scheduling your colonic on the 3rd day would be most effective for weight loss. With that said, 1 session is not sufficient for long term weight loss.
2. For best results we suggest you not eat any foods that produce gas, such as beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, nuts, and bread, on the day of your procedure. There may also be other foods which produce gas that are different for each individual. Raw veggies are sometimes harder to digest for people than cooked. So, stay on cooked foods for a day after
3. Avoid soft drinks, alcohol, and coffee, all together especially the day of the procedure.
4. For those who suffer from bloating, don’t eat any raw fruits, vegetables or beans for 24 hours before and after the procedure. Unless they are freshly squeezed vegetable juices. It is better to eat whole grains (brown rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa and amaranth). Steamed vegetables and freshly made vegetable juices. Add in Ultimate Digestive Enzymes to help with gas and bloating.
5. Taking a binder like Bentonite Clay, or Black Rain (Humic and Fulvic) Minerals, can help you maximize your colonics. There's a difference between cleansing and detoxing, and binders can help you detox, while the colonics help you release what you have done through the binders.
What to Do After Your Colonic:
1. If you have never had a colonic before, or haven’t had one in a while, it is much better if you have a colonic session 2 or 3 days in a row; this will help soften and eliminate hard clogs and colon stones. It will also help eliminate a lot of gases which may give you bloating and pain. Then you may continue the cleansing once or twice per week.
2. If you are too blocked and full with gas, it is normal to feel some discomfort after the procedure. If you experience pain or other problems that bother you, you may drink hot water (1 cup water plus 1 teaspoon lemon juice), 2 sips every 5 minutes, or put a pinch of sea salt under your tongue, until the salt is diluted. Then swallow the saliva and spit out any remaining salt grains. This helps to neutralize toxins, and you will start feeling better.
3. If you suffer from chronic hemorrhoids you may expect some discomfort in the rectum and sometimes a little blood. If you have chronic colitis, it is possible that you may see some mucus with blood. If you have a sluggish colon or suffer from constipation, after the cleansing you probably won’t feel the need to have a bowel movement for 1-5 days.
4. You may feel increased Gas and Bloating. This can happen as material descends to the colon to be released, an increase of pressure can occur before it makes it out of the body.
5. Keep in mind that the toxins from the colon go first to the liver. When the liver becomes blocked they spread to other organs and systems, and clog the blood vessels.
6. Keeping your colon clean can help you avoid many health-related problems, and also feel and look better, younger and more energetic.
7. Warm baths with minerals and binders can help increase productiveness during your sessions.
8. A Caster oil pack can provide extra relief and increase out put.
9. If during the procedure you don’t release a large amount of waste material and you feel discomfort, this is a sign that you are too blocked and your colon is weak. Be patient, and continue with your sessions until all 4 indicators are met.
10. If after colon cleansing you feel cramping, it means that the water from the cleansing awakened the colon and activated peristaltic activity. The Colon is now trying to push out the poisons which stick to its walls. Feelings of discomfort after the procedure mean that the muscle movements meet the resistance of blockages, hard and large masses which block the passages. The muscles are not able to overcome the resistance and break up the blockage, so they increase their tension, and this makes you feel cramping. As feces gathers and expands the space behind the blockages, you may feel some pain. Another possible reason for post-cleansing cramping is that one part of either the large or small intestine may crossed over and constricting another part. To help the colon break up the blockages and eliminate the mass of gas, it is necessary to do cleansing 2-3 or more in a 10 day period, do abdominal massage, use the castor oil pack, take a warm bath, and drink a lot of liquid.
11. To open more cleansing channels, you can combine colon cleansing with other deep body cleanses. This is a process, not a destination and the options are endless and what you can achieve through cleansing. Call today for more info.