Colon Hydrotherapy

What Are Colonics?
Colonics, other wise known as colon hydrotherapy, are gaining more and more popularity for their overall benefits on ones overall health. One of the main reasons that people look in to colon hydrotherapy is for digestive discomfort. Even though this may be a starting point, many realize quickly that there are a whole host of benefits other than digestive. More and more are having digestive issues at a younger and younger age, and are looking to cleansing the body to assist them, which colon hydrotherapy is a great addition to any cleanse.
Let’s first talk about what colonics are. Colon Hydrotherapy is a method of gently cleansing the large intestine or the colon. With that said, those of you who believe that one session will change your life, need to read further on. One session is a beginning, but if you have any outstanding health issues or have never done colonics before, you are looking at a minimum of 9-12 sessions. Many times more to achieve optimum results. You have to realize, you are trying to address YEARS of abuse. And one session will not reverse this damage. It is not just cleaning out that needs help, it is rebuilding and toning the muscle as well, and this does not happen in a 40 minute session. Be patient. This organ is approximately 5 feet in length and is separated from the small intestine by a one way valve. A colonic can NOT reach any other organ directly except the colon. It does although indirectly affect every single system in the body. Hence, the importance to address the colon any time you do a cleanse or make significant dietary changes is paramount. To directly cleanse the other organs you have to go orally. During a session, you are not only cleansing the colon, you are exercising it and hydrating the body as well. I describe it as going to the gym for your colon. Many people are mislead in thinking that just because you may see pretty pictures of a perfectly shaped colons, it doesn’t mean that’s how every colon is shaped. In fact, it’s unfortunate that the majority of colons are stretched out, prolapsed and have weak function. For example, picture a body that is worn out, little muscle mass, and an over all fatigued look. Now picture this body running and jumping and thriving in an active environment. So as this body will struggle to accomplish certain tasks, so does a weakened, stretched out colon that has been negatively affected by the years of abuse through diet and lifestyle. As you continue with your sessions, you will not only strengthen the colon, but your sessions will get easier and easier. You will find that rather than dreading your sessions, you will start looking forward to them, as you will feel better when you leave then when you start. Your results are very much dependent on your preparation, beginning strength of the colon and diet and lifestyle. For an amazing article on how colon hydrotherapy can reshape the colon click here